Monday, 22 August 2011

Where the sun goes down tomorrow ....

Over in West London my friends and I were mulling over a particularly unpleasant relationship breakup offering the usual sollace.
'We told you so'
'We never liked him'
'What did you expect?'
All the time dipping into 'Salted caramel & chocolate tart' at Pizza East on the corner of Goldbourne and Portbello Rd.
You have to make the trip.

Found items

I gathered up some discarded Crow feathers from St James Park to use as page marks in my Magick books.

Eat, Shit, Pray

That should probably read Eat, Shit, Sleep but the reference would have been lost. I did not mean to take 3 weeks off I have simply found living with a small puppy quite a challenge. It is a bit like having a baby in a way. Stella is getting bigger, tipping the scales at a sturdy 3lbs now and much better at house training. I think everything should be under control by christmas.