Friday, 29 April 2011

I got a bad desire

I went out to walk the dog and came home with a pair of golden ankle boots. I feel like I should feel guilty and irresponsible since I have just become unemployed. However I don't feel any fear at all. I feel really free and opitimistic today. My friend Jo always tells me about her favourite country & western artist, Tammy Whynot. 'Don't ask yourself Why. Ask yourself Why Not?' Genius.
It's a good idea if you suffer from anxiety to consider employing 'backers' to whome you can refer to for advice. A backer is a woman or man who you admire, you select a few of these people and then when faced with any dilema at all you go with what you think your backer would do in the same situation.
So questions like:
Should I buy it?
Should I fuck him?
Should I go?
Is it going to be OK?
Become much easier to answer.
My backers are Courtney Love, Pamela Anderson, Patti Smith, Isabella Blow and Lee Miller.
My answer is always YES

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