I went out to walk the dog and came home with a pair of golden ankle boots. I feel like I should feel guilty and irresponsible since I have just become unemployed. However I don't feel any fear at all. I feel really free and opitimistic today. My friend Jo always tells me about her favourite country & western artist, Tammy Whynot. 'Don't ask yourself Why. Ask yourself Why Not?' Genius.
It's a good idea if you suffer from anxiety to consider employing 'backers' to whome you can refer to for advice. A backer is a woman or man who you admire, you select a few of these people and then when faced with any dilema at all you go with what you think your backer would do in the same situation.
So questions like:
Should I buy it?
Should I fuck him?
Should I go?
Is it going to be OK?
Become much easier to answer.
My backers are Courtney Love, Pamela Anderson, Patti Smith, Isabella Blow and Lee Miller.
My answer is always YES
you are channelling the divine in this post